Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Grapplethon Star Profile: Liam "Iron Man" Stark

Hi my name is Liam Stark. I have been fighting for my life since Day 1. Doctors didn’t give me a chance to survive due to heart conditions while I was in utero But I did. Unfortunately my twin did not have a chance. My twin is now an angel looking over me and my family. My mommy & daddy were devastated about the news that I wouldn’t survive too. They stayed positive and held onto hope. Me and my mommy fought through everything. The pregnancy was tough on all of us especially on mommy. During the pregnancy we had a number of serious complications in the form of high amniotic fluids (that needed an amniocenteses to remove fluid).

 Early contractions, syncope, and a number of cardiac issues.  We were in the hospitals a lot due to all of this. Then on May 20, 2013 I was born. We had some complications resulting in mommy’s heart stopping nearly three times during my delivery. Then I had some breathing issues because of all the fluid. 

Then just a few days old I would choke, Turn blue, even stop breathing. So my parents spent large amounts of time in the hospital with me. About 2 Months old doctors finally found out what was wrong with me. I had a Laryngeal Cleft ( rare congenital abnormality in the posterior laryngo- tracheal wall). There is a gap between the oesophagus and trachea, which allows food or fluid to pass into the airway. I am always sick with pneumonia because of fluid being in my lungs. Many times I was rushed into the hospital because I couldn’t breath, then I would have to stay in the hospital for observation or PICU. I had surgery to “try” to repair the cleft, but I am still the same way.

Then I also was diagnosed with GERD (reflux disease) I have to be on 3 medications 2x a day for this. I have a heart condition that they are still trying to figure out. So we are constantly at the cardiologist office or doing some sort of testing. I have syncope episodes just like mommy.  I also have a rare auto immune disease called Primary Hypogammaglobulinemia. Which is low levels of gamma globulin (antibodies) in the blood and I am in high increased risk of infections.( bacterial infections, Viral infections, colds, flu ect.) Also I have low levels of B-cells (lymphocytes)-Special white blood cells. BUT because I have low level of B-cells and no antibodies my body attacks itself especially my organs. Also my body doesn't response to titers ( immunizations). This disease makes me in a higher risk for blood cancers and an infection could also take my life if I cant fight it off. There is no cure for this all my doctors can do is give me blood transfusion treatments every 4 weeks (IVIG therapy). My whole 1st year of life has been spent in the PICU center, Observation rooms at the hospital, overnight stays, ambulance rides, Always at the pediatric doctors office.

Always in Boston hospitals which is about a 3 hour ride one way.  I have been under anesthesia numerous of times for surgical producers or for medical testing.  I am thankful I have my parents always by my side to support me even though its been hard with some scary moments and financial hardships because missed days of work, insurance not paying for my medication or treatments. But despite all of this I am one of the happiest and amazing little boys you’ll ever meet. I am a little fighter, And losing is NOT an option! 

Optimus BJJ will be hosting a charity Grapplethon event to support Liam Stark for more information visit
Grapplethon: Liam's Fight Event Page

For those that cannot attend the event if you wish to contribute to Liam’s Fight Donations can be sent by PayPal to-stark102909@gmail.com


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