Sunday, July 27, 2014

Grapplethon: Team Liam's Fight

SoCal Jiu-Jitsu Community you know what time it is. Time to unite once again for another Grapplethon event. Since last year the Grapplethon events here in Southern California seemed to be getting bigger and bigger which makes this upcoming charity event one that myself and everyone is looking forward too. This event will make its return to a very familiar location.

Optimus BJJ  
31151 Niguel Rd.
Laguna Niguel, California 92677

Date: September 13 2014

Time: 1:30 pm- until everyone leaves

What is a Grapplethon : A GrappleThon is a Brazilian jiu jitsu event for charity, where the BJJ community gets together to roll for a predetermined period, fundraising for a worthy cause. In the case of the way I do them we pick an individual who seriously needs the help ex: someone stuck in a serious life crisis such as death in the family, cancer, or other life stricken issues.

Grapplethon is NOT A TOURNAMENT however it is a gathering of another kind where different grappling practitioners drop there academy flags and come together for a just cause training and learning from one another. Grapplethon is an open mat 180 minute rolling session, which usually goes longer than that. The rolls will be 6 minutes each (timer style) so at the end of the day you will get 30 rolls of great training while also hopefully meeting new friends in the process while supporting a great cause.

What is the Cause: This event we will be supporting the very young but tough Liam Stark  who is going through a tough battle against auto immune disease.

"Hi my name is Liam. I have been fighting for my life since day 1. Doctors didn’t give me a chance to survive due to heart conditions while I was in utero, But I did. When I was born May 20, 2013 I had some breathing issues. I would choke, Turn blue, even stop breathing. About 2 Months old doctors finally found out what was wrong with me. I had a Laryngeal Cleft ( rare congenital abnormality in the posterior laryngo- tracheal wall). There is a gap between the oesophagus and trachea, which allows food or fluid to pass into the airway. Then I also was diagnosed with GERD (reflux disease). I have a heart condition that they are still trying to figure out. I also have a rare auto immune disease called Primary Hypogammaglobulinemia. Which is low levels of gamma globulin (antibodies) in the blood and I am in high increased risk of infections.( bacterial infections, Viral infections, colds, flu ect.) Also I have low levels of B-cells (lymphocytes)-Special white blood cells. BUT because I have low level of B-cells and no antibodies my body attacks itself especially my organs. Also my body doesn't response to titers ( immunizations). This disease makes me in a higher risk for blood cancers and an infection could also take my life if I cant fight it off. There is no cure for this all my doctor can do is give me blood transfusion treatments every 4 weeks (IVIG therapy). I have been in the PICU center, Observation rooms at the hospital, overnight stays, ambulance rides, Always at the pediatric doctors office. I have been under anesthesia numerous of times for surgical producers or for medical testing. But despite all of this I am one of the happiest and amazing little boys you’ll ever meet."
Price: The cost to attend will be $ 10 nothing less.However if you choose to donate more that is totally fine.  
Raffle Prizes: Raffle prizes will be raffled after every 12 minutes (2 rolls) so everyone will get to get there prize during the event!!! (Sponsors and gifts will be announced on the event page in the coming days leading up to the event).

FYI: Color Post Its with your first and last name will be used as the “raffle ticket” so luckily you don’t have to look at your number while training.
In-Door entry Gift: First 50 people to show up to the event will receive an exclusive Grapplethon patch !! More In-Door entry gifts will be announced on the event page.

Grapplethon Big 300 Challenge: As most of you remember from past Grapplethon events I completed two 1914 Kimonos to earn extra money for the two charities those events focused on. In an effort to make Grapplethon more interactive for its participants at Grapplethon: Team Dana Moore over 20 individual stepped up to this challenge and was able to get Dana some extra money. For all you new comers, the Big 300 Challenge is completing 300 rounds of sparing. Now unless you’re the Iron Man Liam himself there is no way one person can roll 300 times that is why we must assemble as a team to complete this challenge for Liam.

Everyone is welcome to Participate. Each person who steps up to the challenge set a goal number of rolls they hope to achieve. At the end of Grapplethon if the number adds up to 300 or more $ 300 extra bucks will be donated to Liam.

Signs up for the Challenge will be open in Mid- August… Note: there may even be some new twists so stay tuned.

For more information and updates on this great charity event please visit
Grapplethon: Liam's Fight Event Page

 If you have any questions contact Monta Wiley or Brett Weekley at Facebook.
For those that cannot attend the event if you wish to contribute to Liam’s Fight Donations can be sent by PayPal

1 comment:

  1. God Bless you Grapplethon and lil Liam.
    Im so going! The last event for Mr Dana Moore was a really wonderful experience to be a part of. Thanks Montay. Ya got huge heart bro
